Heidi Rew
Host of The Heidi Rew Show
This ain't your mama’s podcast. Heidi Rew takes you on a journey of inspiration and enlightenment with smart, humorous and sassy twists and turns as each story unfolds. A self-proclaimed “Xennial,” Heidi bridges the generation gap between Gen-Xers and Mellenials. She’ll dig deep with guests on current events, segments to get you motivated, and hold meaningful conversations that inspire you through humor and authentic grace. So, grab a cup of coffee and perk up your ears, because you’re gonna feel like part of the conversation, as Heidi explores topics that mean the most to you!
Heidi Rew has hosted 96 Episodes.
Encourage Minute Podcast LAUNCH
February 17th, 2020 | 3 mins 21 secs
I'm pausing The Heidi Rew Show right now in hopes that I can create a little more margin in my life. Instead, I'm going to try a short form podcast called the ENCOURAGE MINUTE. I'll be sharing an inspiring, encouraging story in :60 every Monday morning. Here's the first episode! Check it out and let me know what you think.
iTunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/encourage-minute/id1497747921
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/0WcmFRS7L03sbq85T40WWi
Overcast - https://overcast.fm/itunes1497747921/encourage-minute
Pocketcast - https://pca.st/9qs3kp8e
Stitcher - https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/encourage-minuteFOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM:
www.Instagram.com/HeidiRew -
CRAZY UPDATE: Life and Podcast Update
January 12th, 2020 | 13 mins 52 secs
Definitely entering 2020 with an interesting announcement...one that I didn't even know until YESTERDAY.
Listen to this episode to hear the direction of the podcast, what it means for you and what I've learned about podcasting.
UPDATE - In this episode, I said you could subscribe to the Encourage Minute podcast BUT with this annoucement being so last minute, I forgot I still have to get approval from all the podcast platforms. So, follow on social or email me to know exactly when you can subscribe.PLUS...I give you my personal email + phone number in the episode, so here it is:
[email protected]
(404) 403-5674 (just text)
www.facebook.com/theheidirewshow/ -
GOAL SETTING with Megan Hyatt Miller
December 29th, 2019 | 29 mins 27 secs
COO of Michael Hyatt & Company, Megan helps people achieve their goals every day. As a mom of FIVE kids, she knows achieving goals isn't easy. Learn WHY goal setting even matters at all, HOW to get over the hurdles we all face acheiving them and WHAT to do every step of the way.
Michael Hyatt created the Full Focus Planner, which I have & LOVE! Megan created the Bold line with beautiful colors and designs.
Get your Full Focus Planner for 15% off with the DISCOUNT CODE:
HEIDI15 at www.fullfocusplanner.comwww.instagram.com/fullfocusplanner
Learn more about Michael Hyatt & Company:
https://michaelhyatt.comSubscribe to Megan & Michael's podcast, Lead to Win:
https://michaelhyatt.com/leadtowin/Follow Megan:
www.facebook.com/meganhyattmillerFollow the Show -
https://www.facebook.com/TheHeidiRewShow -
ENTERTAINMENT with Doublemint Twin L.A. Winters
December 22nd, 2019 | 32 mins 3 secs
L.A. Winters and her sister, Linda, were the Doublemint Twins from 1985-1995. The longest running and most iconic Doublemint twins. L.A. shares -
• How they became the most iconic Doublemint Twins
• The tension that followed between her and her sister
* How to heal a relationship
* And how to overcome comparison
This episode is especially timely during the holidays, when being around family can oftentimes be difficult. I hope it encourages you and gives you hope that healing can take place.Watch L.A. and her sister Linda on Oprah's Where Are They Now -
https://youtu.be/vIK5_SmTD2oFollow L.A. -
https://www.facebook.com/L.A.WintersActor/Follow the Show -
https://www.facebook.com/TheHeidiRewShow -
SPORTS/INSPIRATION with WNBA player Renee Montgomery
December 8th, 2019 | 23 mins 40 secs
Renee Montgomery is a basketball player for the Atlanta Dream of the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA). She won national championships with the UConn Huskies in 2009, and with the Minnesota Lynx in 2015 and 2017. She broke the WNBA record for most 3-pointers in a half in 2018. And this is a VERY short summary of all her athletic accomplishments. At 5'7, you wouldn't think this girl is a basketball star but her height is the very thing that helped her get where she is. Well, that, plus an incredible family and really strong work ethic. Renee shares the story of how she got where she is PLUS -
- What she learned from academics that impacted her performance in sports.
- How do you develop discipline?
- And how can you embrace losing?
- Renee shares FOR THE FIRST time a new project she was selected for...
- AND what REALITY show she REALLY wants to be on!
Follow Renee:
Renee Montgomery Foundation - https://reneemontgomeryfoundation.org/about/Follow the Show -
https://www.facebook.com/TheHeidiRewShow -
BUSINESS with Stacey Tank, VP Home Services at Home Depot
November 24th, 2019 | 31 mins 37 secs
Vice President of Home Services at Home Depot, Stacey has led the turnaround of Home Depot Interiors, Home Depot Exteriors and Home Depot Measurement Services. Only a year ago, these businesses were losing millions and now they're profitable. Stacey shares why that was one of the scariest things she's had to do.
She also talks about the perspective that's helped her rise above any hinderance, how to make it work with two kids & a spouse and what "you invent the 25th hour" means and how we can implement it.
Follow Stacey here -
https://www.instagram.com/staceytankFollow the Show -
https://www.facebook.com/TheHeidiRewShow -
HEALTH with nutritionist and blogger Kaylee Klewein
November 10th, 2019 | 38 mins 25 secs
Kaylee Klewein is a nutritionist, blogger (Clean Modern Mayhem) mom of two and wife. After 5 years of pregnancy-related health issues, her son's health struggles and post-partum depression, she didn't even recognize herself. That led Kaylee on a health journey to feel better, have more energy and balance her hormones. She did just that and shares her keys to making lifelong changes to improve your health.
- How to make changes toward clean eating
- Ways to get your kids and family on board
- Best clean sugar substitutes
Follow Kaylee:
https://www.instagram.com/cleanmodernmayhem/Follow the Show -
https://www.facebook.com/TheHeidiRewShow -
ENTERTAINMENT with Emmy Award Winner Natalia Livingston
October 27th, 2019 | 32 mins 19 secs
Emmy award winner Natalia Livingston, who played Emily Quartermaine and Rebecca Shaw on General Hospital then Taylor Walker on Days of our Lives sat down with me to talk about her latest movie Full Count out October 25th (FullCountMovie.com for listings).
In my interview with Natalia, we talk about the story of her getting discovered in Home Depot then landing a recurring role on a soap opera. We also talk about what it's really like on a soap opera, 3 things she wishes she'd known as a young actress and how losing her mother has given her a new perspective.
Watch Full Count www.FullCountMovie.com
Learn about Writers without Margins and In Their Shoes Documentary -
http://www.writerswithoutmargins.org | https://www.intheirshoesfilm.comFollow Natalia:
https://www.instagram.com/natalia.livingston/Follow the Show -
Follow Heidi -
https://www.facebook.com/TheHeidiRewShow -
FASHION with Evereve Founder Megan Tamte
October 13th, 2019 | 44 mins 27 secs
Ever feel a rumbling in your stomach that you need to be doing something? Starting something? Creating something? Feel like you're watching other people's dreams become true and you're just a spectator? That's exactly how Megan Tamte felt...until an American Idol episode and Rueben Studdard changed everything!
Megan is founder of Evereve, a fashion brand with 87 locations in 27 states, with NO DEBT, and annual sales increases of more than 20% (more than twice the retail average). Sales this year – expected to be over $150 million. Headquarted in Edina, Minnesota and opening their first store in Atlanta October 16th, 2019.
She tells us how she turned her dream into reality, balanced family and business, and of course shares the must-have pieces that can make any outfit spectacular.
Learn more about Evereve -
https://evereve.comLearn about Trendsend (subscription styling service) -
https://www.trendsend.com/Evereve & Megan's Social
https://www.instagram.com/megantamte/In the Dressing Room Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/in-the-dressing-room/id1477218329
Follow Heidi -
https://www.facebook.com/TheHeidiRewShow -
HEALTH with health coach Alex Bartee
September 29th, 2019 | 38 mins 55 secs
Alex ended up in a spiral of over exercise and restrictions as a model and actress. Reading a book changed her life and she went from being riddled with anxiety to feeling so good she wanted to help others. That's when she became a health coach and yoga instructor.
In this episode, we talk about:
- How she now will sometimes go without exercising for 5 days! (Heidi note: And she looks AMAZING!)
- Gut Health
- One simple thing that will brighten and beautify your skin
- Why eating fruit after a meal is so bad (she blew my mind on this one)
- Popular health trends - Are they good/bad? Celery juice, Alcoholic Seltzer, sparkling water, Plant based Burgers, Camel Milk
Links to what we talked about:
Beauty Detox Book - https://amzn.to/2mBPbcH
Solluna Probiotics - https://amzn.to/2o7fPL6
The Plant Based Solution - https://amzn.to/2mqH4jq
Blue Light Blocker Glasses - https://amzn.to/2o7Ate3
Article on Camel Milk & why it's good for you - https://www.msn.com/en-in/health/nutrition/this-is-why-people-who-consume-camel-milk-are-healthier-than-you/ar-BBSY5mN
Plant Proof Website with Simon Hill - https://plantproof.comFollow Alex:
https://www.instagram.com/plantifulalex/Follow Heidi & find out about new podcast episodes:
https://www.facebook.com/TheHeidiRewShow -
PODCASTING (and Parenting) with Sarah Bragg of Surviving Sarah & Raising Boys and Girls
September 15th, 2019 | 50 mins 30 secs
Sarah Bragg is an author, "Body. Beauty. Boys. The Truth About Girls and How We See Ourselves," speaker and podcast host of "Surviving Sarah" and "Raising Boys and Girls." Recording over 186 episodes , Sarah shares the crushing blow that led her hosting her own show and answers all the questions you have about podcasting - What kind of technology do you need? How much time does podcasting take? How to figure out what kind of content to share? How much money can you make?
We also talk parenting! If you're not interested in podcasting, that comes up a little after 32 minutes. Sarah shares the best wisdom she's learned from parenting experts, how to foster a good relationship if you have two girls and what exactly is successful parenting.
See a list of products we referenced below.
Follow Sarah:
https://www.raisingboysandgirls.comFollow Heidi & the podcast:
https://www.facebook.com/TheHeidiRewShowProducts Referenced in Podcast -
Scarlet Preamp - https://amzn.to/2O85pWF
Audiojack Editing Software - https://audiojack.en.softonic.com
Zencaster - https://zencastr.comPRODUCING
Audiojungle - https://audiojungle.net
Pond5 - https://www.pond5.comHOSTING
Libsyn - https://libsyn.com
Fireside - https://fireside.fmSOCIAL MEDIA/PROMOTION
Sparemin/Headliner - http://www.headliner.app
Canva - https://www.canva.com/HOW TO
Start a Podcast - http://www.startandgrowyourpodcast.com -
DESIGN with Trading Spaces Vern Yip
August 25th, 2019 | 49 mins 23 secs
Learn how a man born in Hong Kong who studied Economics and Chemistry became one the most beloved TV personalities and designers. Vern Yip has been a designer on the original Trading Spaces show, as well as the recent reboot. He’s also been a judge on HGTV’s Design Star, host of Bang for your Buck, Deserving Design, Urban Oasis and Home Intervention. He has his own home line on HSN and is a best-selling author of Design Wise. HIs latest book, Vern Yip’s Vacation at Home, comes out this week.
Get tickets to see Vern in Atlanta Thursday September 12th at the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta here: http://bit.ly/2KQctot
Get Vern’s new Book: https://amzn.to/2Zt2Rbo
Follow Vern:
https://www.instagram.com/vernyipdesigns/Follow Heidi:
https://www.facebook.com/TheHeidiRewShow -
HEALTH with Arden's Garden CEO Leslie Zinn
August 18th, 2019 | 21 mins 1 sec
Arden's Garden is a juice and smoothie company that started 25 years ago and has grown to one of the southeast's largest juicing companies. It's sold in Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina at Arden Garden stores as well as Publix, Sprouts and Whole Foods. Leslie is the CEO and her mom, Arden, is the founder. Leslie is a mom to 4 kids, a wife and graduate of Georgia Tech. In this episode, you'll hear -
- How an obsession with a juicer led to the first customer
- The brilliant idea Arden had that changed the entire course of the business
- The event that almost took down their business and how Leslie's letter turned something awful into the biggest blessing
- How Leslie inspires her kids to be healthy
- And how sticking to Arden's values ended up losing them a big retailer
To follow Arden's Garden:
IG - https://www.instagram.com/ardensgardenatl/
FB - https://www.facebook.com/ardensgardenatl
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ArdensGardenATLFollow The Heidi Rew Show -
IG - https://www.instagram.com/heidirew/
FB - https://www.facebook.com/theheidirewshow/ -
ENTERTAINMENT with Monica Pearson (Kauffman), Part 2
August 4th, 2019 | 23 mins 10 secs
In part 2 of my interview with Monica Pearson, she shares her view on the racial tensions in Atlanta today and how she got through cancer twice!
To learn more about Monica:
A Seat at the Table - http://www.gpb.org/seat-at-the-table
WSB TV - https://www.wsbtv.com/station/monica-pearson/88060987
https://www.instagram.com/monicawsbHUGE THANKS to our producer & editor on this episode Beth Hawkins!
https://www.instagram.com/bethhawkinsatlTo follow The Heidi Rew Show:
Monica's Episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/X_BaIzDEkQQ -
ENTERTAINMENT with Monica Pearson (Kauffman) PART 1
July 28th, 2019 | 20 mins 40 secs
Monica Pearson was the first woman and African American to anchor the nightly news in Atlanta in 1975. She continued in that position for 37 years, winning over 33 Emmy awards. In this interview, Monica shares what it was like entering that position, the woman in her life that instilled resilience and the famous journalist who also interviewed for her anchor position. Stay tuned for part 2 of this interview next episode.
To learn more about Monica:
A Seat at the Table - http://www.gpb.org/seat-at-the-table
WSB TV - https://www.wsbtv.com/station/monica-pearson/88060987
https://www.instagram.com/monicawsbHUGE THANKS to our producer & editor on this episode Beth Hawkins!
https://www.instagram.com/bethhawkinsatlTo follow The Heidi Rew Show:
Monica's Episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/X_BaIzDEkQQ -
ITALY CHRONICLES - My stories from Italy
July 14th, 2019 | 30 mins 51 secs
Travel with me to Italy where you'll learn how olive oil is made and see the stunning Tuscan countryside. I also share funny stories including a penis question, baby Jesus mistake, getting stuck in a parking garage and the relentless Italian man. You'll also hear what I learned on my trip.
To WATCH this episode & see the video and pictures:
https://youtu.be/kf4Be-jkdlYTo learn more about workshops offered at La Fortezza (Annette Joseph’s Italian fortress), click here: http://annettejosephstyleworkshops.sq...
www.facebook.com/theheidirewshow/LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE to The Heidi Rew Show Podcast:
iTUNES: https://apple.co/2YF27wa
PODCAST WEBSITE (also has links to podcast via Google Play, Stitcher, Tunein & Overcast): https://heidirew.com/podcast/
iHEART RADIO: https://ihr.fm/2LBjxHW
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2Md8OPaCARRY-ON PACKING TIPS:
https://heidirew.com/2019/07/15/how-to-pack-for-italy-in-one-carry-on/Follow Beth Pilgreen:
https://www.instagram.com/bethpilgreen/Follow Brooke Jaye Cornwell: